The automatic update is designed to automatically update Windows computers that are managed by the institution. The institution only needs to install the Schoolyear software once. This saves a lot of management effort for the IT department.
The automatic update is triggered when a student starts the onboarding app of his exam with Schoolyear. In the background, the app checks if the latest Schoolyear version is available, and if not, starts downloading the latest version. The new file automatically replaces the old one. During the process, no additional permission from the student or institution is required to install the software.
The automatic update works on all Windows computers, both managed and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) devices.
Testing the automatic update
The system administrator can test the automatic update by downloading an MSI in the Schoolyear beta environment. A new version is released every 15th of the month and he/she can test if the new release overwrites the old MSI on startup.
System administrators can request a beta account by sending an email to team@schoolyear.