This article informs about the maintenance updates, user interface changes and bug fixes of the latest release. For more information about the status of Schoolyear, please check or Schoolyear Status Page.
04 Februari 2025 - Dashboard update
- Improved method for collecting logs on a Windows Machine. See the improved helpcenter article: Where do I find the Schoolyear logfiles on my computer?
01 February 2025 - Chromebook update (No impact on the Windows and Mac client)
- Bugfix where for some applications, they EXIT url was not recognized properly and therefore would not work. Now, for all integration that use the EXIT url, it will display on Chromebooks as well.
21 January 2025 - Dashboard update
- Sowiso add-on is now available in the admin console. This add-on can now be used to connect Sowiso and Schoolyear via integration.
- Page navigation in the user management overview in order to speed up this page.
21 January 2025 - Secure Apps (AVD-only) update
(no client update required)
- When you upload files to the Schoolyear settings widget or when you allow students to submit files to Schoolyear, the page for students will now be displayed as a small pinned browser tab from exams where the AVD solution will be used. Before this was displayed in a separate icon in the Windows taskbar which could lead to confusion for students.
14 January 2025 - Maintenance release 3.8.26
- Fix where on some PCs, launching Schoolyear would take longer then expected. In some scenarios, the network check would initially fail. After some time, it would automatically retry this step which would allow the student to successfully complete this step. After this fix, we expect students to successfully complete this netwerk stap in case they have a proper network connection. If students structurally fail the network check, please advise the following article: Error message in the Network Check
07 January 2025 - Maintenance release 3.8.24
- Fix where a Windows update to Windows24H2 would break the installation of Schoolyear. Before, this would result into an error as displayed in Failed to logout error message. With this maintenance release, this issue should be resolved.
- Bugfix where some devices, after closing Schoolyear, would restart the Schoolyear environment instead of displaying the computers desktops. This maintenance release should decrease the times that this should occurs.
02 January 2025 - Dashboard update
Adjustment to the Canvas integration allowing multiple time slots to be used in combination with Schoolyear. Schoolyear receives the start time of the first time slot and the end time of the latest time slot from Canvas, ensuring that the session on the Schoolyear Dashboard is sufficiently long.
19 December 2024 - Dashboard Update
- Bug fix where coordinators could see all organization exams but could not open them. With this fix, it is now possible for coordinators to view and open exams.
11 December 2024 - Maintenance release 3.8.23
(No impact on the ChromeOS client)
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
10 December 2024 - Dashboard Update
- Exams that are marked as "Laptop Check" will now be displayed when viewing the Organisation Exams.
30 November 2024 - Maintenance release 3.8.22
(No impact on the ChromeOS client)
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
29 November 2024 - Dashboard Update
- Loading of the exam overview has been sped up.
- Improvements to the filters in the exam overview.
- Improvements to the date selectors when planning an exam.
28 November 2024 - Maintenance release 3.8.21
(No impact on the ChromeOS client)
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
19 November 2024 - Maintenance release 3.8.20
(No impact on the ChromeOS client)
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
30 October 2024 - Dashboard Update
- Addition of the Global whitelist in the admin console. Prior, adding URLs to the global whitelist was only possible via the Schoolyear support team. Since this update, admins can add URLs to the global whitelist themselves. Read more about this in the article: Organization settings.
17 October 2024 - Dashboard Update
- Bugfix where the downloadable file of the registry key would result in an error message.
- Bugfix where you would see two pop-ups when planning an exam with Secure Apps.
10 October 2024 - Maintenance Release 3.7.21 - Chromebook only
(No impact on the Windows and MacOS client)
- Bugfix where some specific pages would result into an Isolation policy error. This is now resolved.
01 October 2024 - Dashboard Update
- Addition of the Schoolyear Coordinator role. With this role, you can grant users more rights. These rights allow the Coordinator to use the student search functionality and allows them to see all the exams within the organisation. You can read more about the roles in the Schoolyear Dashboard in the article.
- Minor UI changes to the Schoolyear Dashboard which might changes some of the buttons in the Dashboard. The location and the way buttons work stayed exactly the same.
20 Augustus 2024 - Dashboard Update
- Improvement to the date selector in the dashboard which makes setting a timeslot more user-friendly.
- Bugfix where sometimes you would receive a "do you want to leave" pop-up when closing the settingswidget all changes settings where saved.
- When you are navigating back to a previous page, Schoolyear reminds the filters you have applied. Before, you would always be navigated to home page.
2 August 2024 - Chromebook update (No impact on the Windows and Mac client)
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
- Bugfix where the Schoolyear toolbar on a Chromebook would react to quick. Because of this, the toolbar sometimes negatively influenced the user experience. With the new fix, the toolbar will react less sensibly providing a better user experience when using Chromebooks.
1 August 2024 - Client release
- Bugfix where opening the Secure Apps finder sometimes would not work when using the Canvas or Brightspace integration.
- Bugfix where sometimes the loading bar of Secure Apps would not finish which resulted in a necessary restart of the client.
- Bugfix where we don't block the Schoolyear client from launching in case multiple Windows Users are logged in to a machine.
- Before this release, only one Windows user could be logged in on the machine and if multiple Windows Users where logged in, clicking the blue start button in the onboarding page would not work.
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
12 July 2024 - Dashboard Update
- A new integration with Brightpace LMS is now available. With this integration, you can secure a Quiz with Schoolyear.
Small admin console refactoring. Every setting related to Secure Apps will be displayed in a separate Secure Apps subsection.
Bugfix where sometimes an uploaded file (for example, a PDF file) would not display in the settings widget, even though it was added successfully.
1 July 2024 - Dashboard Update
- A new integration with Canvas LMS is now available. With this integration, you can secure both a New Quiz and a Classis Quiz, with Schoolyear. To use this integration, navigate to the add-ons in the admin console and read our Canvas manual here: Activate Schoolyear integration in Canvas LMS
- Email allowlisting is now available. With this functionality, you can allow students to perform a Device check without having to connect a SSO-connection to Schoolyear. You can now import a CSV file, allowing specific students to perform a device-check. Read more about this functionality in: Email Allowlist
22 May 2024 - Dashboard update
- For exams that are created directly from the dashboard (standalone exams), it is now possible to set an end time. Before it was only possible to configure start time and the duration would be 24 hours. From now on, the standard time is still 24 hours, but you can overwrite this by setting a end time.
7 May 2024 - Dashboard update
- Possibility to customize the tile overview on managed Chromebooks. Read more about this functionality in How to configure the ChromeOS tile overview page?
- Bugfix: In the dashboard, the battery status on Chromebook will be displayed correctly. Before, it would always state 'charging'. With the new update, it will show if it is actually charging.
1 May 2024 - Chromebook update (No impact on the Windows and Mac client)
- New visual appearance of the tile overview page on the Chromebook. Soon, it will also be possible to customize the icons of the tiles and add a logo to the header of the tile page. Example of the new tile overview page:
25 April 2024 - Dashboard update
- JIJ! Add-on is now available in the Add-on store. The integration was already available via a custom API-key, but can now be configured via the JIJ! add-on.
- Under managed devices, you can now find instructions on how to mark managed devices in the Schoolyear Dashboard. This was already available for a longer period of time, but the only instruction where in the helpcenter. Instructions are now available in the admin console.
6 March 2024 - Dashboard update
- It is now possible to add a PDF as exam content in the settingswidget. Before, it was only possible to add a PDF if you enabled Secure Apps. In case you submit a filetype other than PDF, Secure Apps will be automatically enabled.
Note: If Secure Apps is not available for your organisation, you will not be able to upload any other file type than PDF.
Note: If Secure Apps is not available for your organisation, you will not be able to upload any other file type than PDF.
5 March 2024 - Dashboard Update
- Besides the start time of the exam, we will now also display the end time of the exam in the Schoolyear Dashboard.
26 February 2024 - Dashboard update
- Bugfix where it was not possible to save changes in the Login settings menu.
- Addition of an overview of all exams within your organisation. The addition is only available for Schoolyear admins. The functionality includes exams planned via the dashboard (exam code) as well as exams that are planned via an integrated testing application. Exams can be quickly found by using filters or the search bar in the right top corner.
16 February 2024 - Dashboard update
- Addition of the "Managed Devices Section. This section can be used by admins to retrieve the ChromeOS configuration or the most recent Windows/MacOS installer link.
- Addition of a date in the student logbook in case an exam runs for more than 24 hours to give a better overview of the logbook.
13 February 2024 - Maintenance Release 3.7.22
- Bugfix where when there would be an unresponsive pop-up once a browser tab would crash. Now, a pop-up will be shown.
- Users switching on MacOS will now be shown as a specific event. Before, an event with “something else was visible on the screen”.
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
8 February 2024 - Chromebook update (No impact on Windows and Mac client)
- Bugfixes where a white screen would be shown once there was no internet connection during startup of the Schoolyear app.
1 February 2024 - Dashboard update
- Improved Secure Apps counter for spent credits
- Confirmation pop-up when you are reserving Secure Apps capacity. This pop-up is only shown the first time you make plan the exam.
22 January 2024 - Maintenance update 3.7.19
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
20 January 2024 - Chromebook update (No impact on Windows and Mac client)
- Release of a new toolbar in the kiosk app. This smaller toolbar consumes less space, keeping the screen more clear for the testing application.
- Addition of Secure Apps to the Chromebook app. You can now run all available Secure Apps on a exam with a Chromebook.
- Bugfix where some students would receive an error message then trying to join an exam before start time.
19 January 2024 - Maintenance update 3.7.18
- Bugfix where files would receive incorrect names when using Secure Apps
- Bugfix where for some testing application or LMS systems, it was not possible to upload files from Secure Apps.
- Bugfix where sometimes the file picker was shown multiple times
- Security update: User switching on MacOS will now show a yellow incident screen
- Security update: Locking a screen on MacOS will now show a yellow incident screen
12 January 2024 -Maintenance update 3.7.13
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
1 January 2024 - Maintenance update 3.7.11
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
- When a yellow screen appears upon closing the laptop lid for MacBook, the text "laptop was closed for x seconds" will now be displayed instead of "something else was visible on the screen"
2 December 2023 - Maintenance update 3.7.8
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
29 November 2023 - Dashboard Update
- Possibility to configure a SSO connection with AzureAD or with a custom OIDC provider in the Admin Console. Read more detailed instructions on how to set this ip via Step 1 - User access.
3 November 2023 - Maintenance update 3.6.15
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
- Change to avoid black screens when starting Schoolyear
2 November 2023 - Dashboard update
- In the settings widget, we have renamed red screen blocking to Laptop Check. With this, you can now let students let the students to a mock-exam with an integrated testing application. See this article for more information.
- In the dashboard, we have highlighted the events for uploading a file when using secure apps. Now, both an upload and a download event are displayed in a bold font in the student logbook.
2 November 2023 - Maintenance update 3.6.14
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
21 October 2023 - Maintenance update 3.6.9
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
19 October 2023 - maintenance update 3.6.8
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
06 October 2023 - Dashboard update
Adjustment to the 24-hour limit. Previously, an exam could last a maximum of 24 hours. After this adjustment, it is also possible to secure exams longer than 24 hours with Schoolyear. This can be a useful addition or replacement for the Device check. This device-check option will also remain available.
For exams longer than 24 hours, the student can be granted access up to two times to restart Schoolyear using the proctor code. In the event that the student needs access to Schoolyear more then two times, this can be allowed through the Schoolyear dashboard.
03 October 2023 - maintenance update 3.6.5
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
21 September 2023 - Maintenance update 3.5.9
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
14 August 2023 - Maintenance update 3.5.4
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
11 August 2023 - Dashboard update
- Visual changes to the color of security incidents in the dashboard. Before all security incidents were shown with the color Red. These are now split into yellow events (suspicious events, for example: closing the lid of the laptop) and red events (fraud events). These dashboard changes are part of the restructuring of the security incidents. See our public roadmap for more information.
- Visual changes to the tile overview page in the instructor dashboard. Tiles are now separated into whitelist tiles (read here about what a whitelist tile is) and Integrated add-ons. The goal of this change is to give the dashboard a better overview and enhance the structure of the tile overview.
- Addition of logos and icons to whitelist tiles and integrated add-ons.
- Addition to the stepper of Secure Apps configuration to allow specific set-up per Application. For example, allowing of blocking the Spell-checker or selecting the language of the Office environment
- Fix to the exported student logbook, where previously long URLs would be displayed incorrectly.
- Fix to the dashboard where sometimes students status would be stuck on “setup” even thought they would have already “started” Schoolyear.
8 August 2023 - Maintenance update 3.5.3
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
14 July 2023 - Maintenance update 3.4.28
- Improvements on the security mechanisms
5 July 2023 - Dashboard update
- Minor bugfixes en interface changes.
- Improvement to the student search function.
- Changes to the settingswidget, including the removal of the green checkmarks which could be confusion.