Schoolyear offers a seamless integration with Moodle, allowing you to secure your quizzes and exams with ease. This guide will walk you through the process of installing and configuring the Schoolyear plugin on your Moodle site, as well as instructions for uninstalling the plugin.
Please note:
The Schoolyear plugin zip file can be found at the bottom of this page.
Generate Schoolyear Secret
Navigate to the Admin Console in your Schoolyear account and select Add-ons
Click "+add" in the right top corner.
- Select the Moodle Add on from the list.
- Fill in the requested details and select add in the right top corner.
- Save the secret to your clipboard
Installing the Schoolyear Plugins in your Moodle Environment:
Log in to your Moodle account and navigate to the "Site Administration" located in the top navigation bar. You will need an admin user to access this area.
Click on the "Plugins" tab and then click on "Install Plugins."
In the "Install plugin from ZIP file" section, browse and select the ""* file from your computer and click "Upload File." Confirm the installation by clicking the "Install plugin from the ZIP file" button at the bottom of the page.
Once the plugin is installed, you will need to configure the Schoolyear API by selecting the API endpoint you want to use and providing your Schoolyear secret.
- Under Schoolyear API Base Address, select the environment. By default this should be In case you want to connect to a beta environment, select
- Under Schoolyear Secret, paste the value that you copied during Step 5 of Generate Schoolyear Secret
Updating the Schoolyear Plugin:
Log in to your Moodle account and navigate to the "Site Administration" located in the top navigation bar. You will need an admin user to access this area.
Click on the "Plugins" tab and then click on "Install Plugins."
- In the "Install plugin from ZIP file" section, browse and select the ZIP file from your computer and click "Upload File." Confirm the installation by clicking the "Install plugin from the ZIP file" button at the bottom of the page.
- Since you are updating the plugin, there is no need to fill in the API credentials.
Uninstalling the Schoolyear Plugin:
Go to "Site Administration" and click on the "Plugins" tab.
Click on "Plugins Overview" and look for the "Schoolyear" plugin in the list under the "Quiz / Access Rules" section.
Click "Uninstall" and confirm the process by clicking through all of the pages. Choose the option to remove the plugin files and folders, otherwise the plugin will keep reinstalling itself.