Are you looking to add an extra layer of security to your online exams in Canvas? Schoolyear offers a seamless integration that allows you to secure your quizzes with ease. In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to enable Schoolyear for your quizzes in Canvas, ensuring that your exams are conducted in a secure and tamper-proof environment. Schoolyear is compatible with both Classic Quizzes as well as New Quizzes.
Step-by-step guide:
- Open your Canvas environment and navigate to your course.
- In your course, navigate to "Quizzes".
- Create a Quiz or open an already created Quiz.
- You can select both a Classis Quiz or a New Quiz
- In the settings of the Quiz, make sure that you set a time slot for the Quiz.
Important: If you forget to set a time slot it will not be possible to enable Schoolyear
Important: If you forget to set a time slot it will not be possible to enable Schoolyear
- Once you have created a time slot, click the "Save" button. You will now be navigated to the Quiz page in Canvas.
- Re-open the Quiz in Canvas and click on the blue "enable" button from Schoolyear that has appeared.
- Now, the page will refresh and the settings widget of Schoolyear will be displayed. You can make the requested changes here and click on the blue "save" button. Once you have saved the Schoolyear settings, you can now save and publish the exam.
- Read the following article on for all the capabilities of the settings widget: Change settings (Settings widget).
- Read the following article on for all the capabilities of the settings widget: Change settings (Settings widget).