This article describes how you start an exam with Schoolyear using an exam code.
Make sure before you start:
- that all documents are saved. When you start the exam, all running applications will be closed automatically.
- that you have permission to download applications on your computer.
- that you have your login details available.
- Open a browser which is supported by Schoolyear (see minimal computer requirements)
- Navigate to and enter the exam code. Click 'Next'.
- Fill in your name and student number. Click 'Continue'.
- Click 'Download Schoolyear'. Are you using Windows and have you installed Schoolyear before? Then updating will take place automatically. The autoupdate feature is not available for macOS yet. For macOS you need to quickly download the software for every exam with Schoolyear again.
After downloading, the downloaded file is visible at the bottom left of the screen. Install Schoolyear by double-clicking the file. Give permission to install the application. After this, return to the browser. Are you using macOS? Then you will see a different sequence of steps 4 -6.
- You will see a warning screen appear. Make sure you have saved all open programs. Click 'I understand' to continue.
- You are now logged out of Windows. When you log back in Windows, the Schoolyear secure environment will start immediately. Do you use a macOS computer? Then you will not log out but get redirected to step 8.
- When you open the secure Schoolyear environment you arrive at the check page. The checks per item are done automatically. Afterwards you will automatically proceed to the exam. Have you received an error message in one of the sections which prevents you from continuing? Ask the proctor or technical person (if available) for help.
- When all the boxes turn green, you will automatically proceed to the exam. You can now start with the questions.
- Finished your exam? First check whether you have submitted the questions in the test application. Then you can use the 'Exit' button at the bottom right to close the secure Schoolyear environment.
- You will now be logged out of Schoolyear again. When you log back in to Windows, you will return to your desktop. In macOS, you will be taken directly to your desktop. You can resume your work.